Classes & Syllabi
Spanish Language Classes
University of Belgrano: Summer I, II
Each course is 90 contact hours
Intermediate I (equivalent to Intermediate I & II)
Intermediate II (equivalent to Advanced I & II)
Advanced (equivalent to Superior I & II)
Spanish Language Classes
ESEADE University (at Academia Buenos Aires): Summer I, II, III
Each course is 45 contact hours
Elective Classes (in Spanish)
University of Belgrano: Summer II
NOTE: If the UB does not have enough students enrolled to offer the courses listed below you will be enrolled in Latin American Civilization & Culture I & II at the Academia Buenos Aires and earn an ESEADE Transcript.
Electives taught in Spanish:
Prerequisite: Intermediate Spanish II
Spanish Language & Electives
ESEADE University (at Academia Buenos Aires): Summer I, II
Summer I: Prerequisite: Intermediate Spanish II
Hispanic Literatures: Possible crossovers with Latin America
Spanish Language (Advanced I, Advanced II, Superior I, Superior II)
Summer II: Prerequisite: Advanced Spanish I
Healthcare & Medical Spanish
University of Belgrano: Summer I, II (5 week sessions)
Prerequisite: Intermediate II
This is a unique opportunity for students to experience medical clinics at Fleni, a nonprofit organization, devoted to upgrading people’s health and to provide medical and hospital services of the highest quality, or Swiss Medical. This experience will not only enhance students’ resume, but also give them an advantage when applying to Medical School. The program is aimed primarily at students interested in improving their medical Spanish while shadowing at Fleni or Swiss Medical. Intensive practice will be provided in two ways: through clinical rotation in the mornings and Spanish classes at University of Belgrano in the afternoons. All students must take a written and oral Spanish placement test online to determine if they are eligible for this program. An upper intermediate level is required. A minimum of six students is required to open the program.
This program allows pre-med, nursing or other related fields interested in healthcare to learn about the differences in healthcare management between their home country and systems in Latin America, specifically Argentina. Students will develop their comprehension and communication skills in order to prepare themselves for real-life situations. Students will learn medical Spanish vocabulary, grammatical structures and general functions in order to familiarize themselves with specific social and health systems in Spanish.
Spanish for the Health Professions (MED SPAN 555)
Specifically designed for premedical students and health professionals, this course aims to improve physician-patient interactions with Spanish-speaking patients. The syllabus includes grammatical constructions, specific vocabulary, and cultural topics needed to improve Spanish skills within the field of health. The combination of the experience at the hospital and class instruction will allow students to overcome the language barrier, acquiring Spanish rapidly and increasing cultural competency. The course meets Monday through Thursday in the afternoons for a total 60 contact hours.
Health Internship (MED SPAN 556)
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the clinical experience needed to consider pursuing a career in medicine while learning about the medical healthcare system in Argentina. Shadowing a doctor is a great opportunity to have an inside look at hospital life, as it will expose students to a range of specialties, developing professional skills. The clinical practicum is framed within a larger course, which aims to promote reflection, including debate sessions, research projects, oral presentations, and visits to health institutions. Students will be assigned to specific medical areas, e.g. Internal Medicine, Intensive Care Unit, and Neurology, depending on the hospital’s vacancies, and they will also benefit from the calendar of events at the hospital, including Medical Rounds. The course is for 60 contact hours, which are the sum of clinical rotation hours at the hospital and class time at the University of Belgrano.
Healthcare & Medical Spanish
Academia Buenos Aires: Summer I, II (4 week sessions)
Prerequisite: Intermediate I
This program allows pre-med, nursing or other related fields interested in healthcare to learn about the differences in healthcare management between their home country and systems in Latin America, specifically Argentina. Students will develop their comprehension and communication skills in order to prepare themselves for real-life situations. Students will learn medical Spanish vocabulary, grammatical structures and general functions in order to familiarize themselves with specific social and health systems in Spanish. Students will have visits to public and private hospitals and clinics, and 2 weeks of medical shadowing M - F 3 hours/day.
All students take the Healthcare in Latin America course (45 contact hours) and a Medical Spanish Class (Intermediate or Advanced). Transcripted by ESEADE University (administered by Academia Buenos Aires).
Healthcare & Medical Spanish
Academia Buenos Aires: Medical Shadowing or Spanish add-on
Each Healthcare & Medical Spanish session at Academia Buenos Aires has the option to add on two more weeks of Medical Shadowing (30 hours) or Spanish (45 hours).
Spanish classes to choose from: Advanced I Advanced II